Application: Basic Cluster Manager

ES Management

  • Elasticsearch-head, a cluster operation and management tool

List View

  • [1] Index name: ended with the date, indicating a week since the date;
  • [2] Alias: index name without the date.

Index Name:

Two types:

  • uav_functionName_db_date
    Thread analysis (jta) and lightweight invocation chains (ivc) are named in this format.
    Example: uav_jta_db_2017-08-06, representing the index of the thread analysis data of UAV within a week since August 6, 2017;

  • functionName_applicationID_date
    Application logs (applog) and heavyweight invocation chains (ivcdat) are named in this format.
    Example: applog_apphub_2017-08-06, representing the index of the application log data of UAV within a week since August 6, 2017;

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