Application Cluster Performance

Application Cluster Metrics

  • Application performance:

    • QPM: QPM total of all application instances
    • Response time: whole-process average response time of all application instances
    • Error count: error total of all application instances
  • Application instance performance:

    Each application instance is identified with No.+Application ID. QPM, response time, error count and access time of each instance are listed

    • QPM: quantity per minute
    • Whole-process average response time: accumulative average response time since application startup
    • Response time of the current minute: response time within the most recent 1 minute
    • Error: error count within the most recent 1 minute (Http response codes: 4XX and 5XX)
    • Access time: time of the latest access

Access Count

List the accumulative access count of each application in the sequential order

Response Time

List the whole-process response time of each application in the sequential order

Error Count

List the accumulative error count of each application in the sequential order

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