Service Component
Metric name | Illustration | Unit | Example value |
tavg | Average response time | ms | 8 ms |
tmax | Longest response time | ms | 8 ms |
tmin | Shortest response time | ms | 8 ms |
tsum | Total response time | ms | 8 ms |
err | Error count, over 400 response | Piece | 1 piece |
warn | Warning count | Piece | 1 piece |
RC+HTTP response state code Example: RC500 and RC502 |
Frequency of response code | Time | 1 time |
count | Access count, total access | time | 12 times |
OpenTSDB Storage Metric
The service component data are stored in OpenTSDB in the metric format of ‘urlResp.metric name’, wherein for metrics whose names are prefixed with RC*, the metric format shall be urlResp.RC. Retrieve tags to add ptag. The value shall be the name of specific metric (such as RC400).
Value of instid in tags shall be urlpath. pgid represents AppBase path---AppHome path, e.g. intsid: and pgid:/app/tomcat7---/app/tomcat7
Tips: Values of all tags are required to be escaped into the valid characters of opensdb. For instance, ':’ should be escaped into ' \u003a '