Client Component

Metric name Illustration Unit Example value
tavg Average response time ms 8 ms
tmax Longest response time ms 8 ms
tmin Shortest response time ms 8 ms
tsum Total response time ms 8 ms
err Error count, over 400 response Piece 1 piece
count Access count, total access time 1 time
AC+method name
Example: ACpost and ACget
Method access count Time 417441 times

Method Name

Application name Method name Example
Http post and get, etc. ACpost
Redis put, get, hget, and lpush, etc. ACput
JDBC Q (query), U (update), I (insert), D (delete) ACQ
RabbitMQ basicPublish and basicConsume, etc. ACbasicPublish
RocketMQ start and send, etc. ACstart

Support List under UAV Monitoring

  • Application server: Tomcat, SpringBoot and MSCP (UAV micro-service computing platform, which is in line with J2EE specifications), and any JSE (under development)
  • Application framework: CXF, AXIS2, XFIRE, SUN JAXWS, Jersey, Wink, Apache HttpClient (synchronous / asynchronous), SpringMVC, SpringRESTService, Servlet (2.5/3.x), Filter (2.5/3.x), Log4j, LogBack and Java Logging
  • Data source: Any JDBC data source such as MySQL and Oracle, MongoDB (MongoClient), and Redis (Jedis, Lettuceand Aredis)
  • Database: DBCP, c3p0, Driud and Tomcat DataSource
  • Message middleware: RabbitMQ and RocketMQ

OpenTSDB Storage Metric

The client-side data are stored in opentsdb in the metric format of ‘cliente.metric name’, wherein for metrics whose names are prefixed with AC*, the metric format shall be client.AC. Retrieve tags to add ptag. The value shall be the name of specific metric (such as ACdel).

Value of instid in tags shall be ip:port#appid#clienturl. pgid represents AppBase path---AppHome path, e.g. intsid: and pgid:/app/tomcat7---/app/tomcat7

Tips: Values of all tags are required to be escaped into the valid characters of opensdb. For instance, ':’ shuold be escaped into ' \u003a '

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