OpenTSDB Management
OpenTSDB Management
* Add, delete, modify or review OpenTSDB instances. View and operate OpenTSDB data
List View
1. Add OpenTSDB instance
Enter the instance name, URL and version No.. The instance name is mandatory and cannot be same as existing instance names. URL shall be in the correct format. Version No. is optional.
Validation error shall be returned if the instance name box is left empty:
Adding error shall be returned if the instance name is same as existing ones:
Validation error shall be returned if URL is in the wrong format:
Refresh the list to get the result below after successful validation and adding:
2. Fuzzy Query by URL
Enter the keyword included in an URL to get OpenTSDB instances whose URL contains such keyword:
3. Display All OpenTSDB Instances
Click to unhide all OpenTSDB instances.
4. Delete an OpenTSDB Instance
Click to pop up a dialog box for deletion confirmation:
Click on [OK], then the current instance will be deleted and the list will get refreshed; click on [Cancel], then the current instance will not be deleted.
5. Modify Properties of OpenTSDB Instances
Click on the instance name or the version No. to modify the properties of an instance (instance name is immutable):
Click on [OK] after finishing modification, the modification will take effect; click on [Cancel], the instance properties will remain unchanged.
OpenTSDB Proxy
Click on the instance URL to get to the OpenTSDB proxy interface:
Click on the button in the top right corner to return back to the OpenTSDB instance list page.
On the OpenTSDB proxy page are four sub-pages, namely Graph, Stats, Logs and Version.
1. Graph
Query the data information of instances. Enter the starting time & the ending time in [From] & [To] respectively. Enter the metric name in [Metric] to get the result graph:
For instance: enter 2017.10.11-00:00:00 & 2017.10.12-00:00:00 in [From] & [To] respectively and pro.loadavg.1m in [Metric] to get the result in the red box as below:
2. Stats
Query the status of different metrics in OpenTSDB instances:
3. Logs
Query logs generated during the operation process of OpenTSDB instances:
4. Version
Query version information of OpenTSDB instances: