Remote Control over Process of UAV Node
Modify properties
Change the JVM system properties (SystemProperties) of the UAV Monitor Agent
- Function: change the application group of the UAV Monitor Agent
- Method: specify the properties of JappGroup
- Effect: if the application group of the UAV Monitor Agent changes, then application group of all Java processes in this application container shall change accordingly. So shall the application group of the corresponding application instance of these Java processes.
Example: Machine belongs to the application group UAV. If the JappGroup property of UAV Monitor Agent is modified as SIA, then the application group of Tomcat on this Machine shall change into SIA accordingly. So shall the application group of appilications on Tomcat.
Restart the node
Click and confirm. The UAV Monitor Agent shall be restarted. During this process, monitoring shall be interrupted first and then continue to work after the UAV Monitor Agent is restarted.
Stop the node
Click and confirm. The UAV Monitor Agent shall be stopped. Later, the monitoring shall stop and the application container shall disappear from the interface later.Install MOF
Click and confirm. The UAV Monitor Agent shall add the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS to the configuration file of the current user (the one who is using the UAV monitor agent). Tomcat shall read this environment variable when started, thus monitoring over Tomcat. The environment variable shall not come into effect if Tomcat is not started.Uninstall MOF
Click and confirm. The UAV Monitor Agent shall delete the environment variable CATALINA_OPTS from the configuration file of the current user. However, the monitoring over Tomcat shall not stop unless Tomcat is restarted.Upgrade the node
Upgrade the UAV Monitor Agent to the specified version. During the upgrade process, an upgrade process shall be started to automatically download, replace and restart the UAV monitor agent. The upgrade process shall exit after successful upgrade.Upgrade MOF
Upgrade UAV MOF to specified version. During the upgrading, an upgrade process shall be started to automatically download and replace but not to restart Tomcat. The upgrade process shall exit after successful upgrading.Configuration management
Modify Profile Configuration, Resource Configuration and Feature Configuration of the UAV node. Profile Configuration includes the configuration of logs and meta; Resource Configuration includes the configuration of messageproducer and httpinvoke; and Feature Configuration includes the configuration of necessary features needed when processes run.
Profile Configuration
- log.debug: output the log or not when the level is DEBUG
- log.fsize: size of individual log file (in MB)
- log.collectEnable: collect the log or not
- log.collectMatch: matched regular expression for log collection
- meta.nodeappversion: current version of the application
- meta.datacenterid: ID of the datacenter
- meta.nodetype: name of the deployed UAV process
Resource Configuration
- messagingthreshold: threshold for message compression (in KB)
- properties: property configuration, such as
= , = ,... - messagingnameserver: server address that receives messages
- class: implementation class of messageproducer
- messagesizelimit: size limit of compressed messages. Oversized messages cannot be submitted.
- class: implementation class of httpinvoker
- properties: property configuration, such as
= , = ,... - http.client.reqtimeout: timeout period of connection request made by the connection manager (in ms)
- http.client.maxperroute: maximum concurrence per route
- http.client.conntimeout: timeout period of connection request made by the connection manager (in ms)
- http.client.maxtotal: maximum concurrence of the connection pool
- http.client.sotimeout: processing time of data transmisssion (in ms)
Feature Configuration
Different features are with different configuration items. Three items below are compulsory:
- loader: method in which UAV loads features
- enable: enable the feature or nor
- components: implementation class of the feature. Multiple classes can be loaded
Modify Configuration Items
Click on any specific property to modify properties in Profile Configuration, Resource Configuration and Feature Configuration. Below is an example which modifies the enable configuraion of logagent in the Feature: