
Below are examples to configure strategies related to logs in Alarm Strategy Configuration:

  1. Application ID: enter the application name or the name of war package
  2. Specify the log: specify the full-path file name of the log
  3. Triggering condition: the triggering condition shall be

    • content: =XXX, indicating that the log contains XXX
    • content! =XXX, indicating that the log does not contain XXX
  4. Example: Alarm for network timeout

    This example is an alarm strategy configured for the timeout of the carrier network by SMS gateway

    1. The alarm strategy is log
    2. This log strategy is configured for the application named as smsgateway
    3. Enter a group name if the strategy is configured for multiple log files
    4. Specify the log files of /app/t7-smsgateway/logs/gateway_err.log and /app/t7-smsgateway7070/logs/gateway_err.log
    5. Describe the alarm strategy for query
    6. The triggering condition is that the field ConnectionTimeoutException or SocketTimeoutException is detected in logs. Both exceptions can reflect the timeout in building connections or reading data
    7. Email alarm notification shall be sent out to the SMS operation department once the alarm strategy is triggered.

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