Application Profile

Monitoring Objects

  • JEE applications:

    Applications based on the JEE application server (such as Tomcat and SpringBoot)

  • JSE applications:

    Any Java application

  • MSCP applications:

    UAV monitor agent and UAV service programs

Running Process

Collected by UAV monitor agent every 15 seconds (Four collection sites every minute for each indicator in the monitoring graph)

Application Cluster

  1. Application label:

    • JEE applications and MSCP applications are labeled in green while JSE applications in blue
    • Labels of undefined JEE applications shall be configured in <display-name> of web.xml
  2. Application name

  3. Application cluster metrics, which is clickable:

    • Visual metrics of JEE application clusters: QPM (quantity per minute), response time and error count
    • Visual metrics of JSE application clusters: TPM (newly started threads per minute) and HPM (Heap changes per minute)
  4. Application instance metrics, which is clickable:

    • The yellow bar on the left indicates that there is request in the most recent minute
  5. Metric status of instances:

    • From left to right: QPM, response time and error count
    • Three colored bars at most for each metric: low (in green), medium (in yellow) and high (in red)
  6. Click for details


  1. Instance basics
  2. Custom metrics:
    • Customized metrics
  3. Client component list:
    • HTTP client: ApacheHttpClient
    • WebService client: JAXWS
    • Data sources: any jdbc data source such as MySQL and Oracle, Redis (JEDIS, LETTUCE and ARedis) and MongoDB (MongoClient)
    • Database: DBCP, c3p0, Driud and Tomcat DataSource
    • Message middleware: RabbitMQ and RocketMQ
  4. Server-side component list:
    • JEE applications: CXF, AXIS2, XFIRE, SUN JAXWS, Jersey, Wink, Apache HttpClient (synchronous or asynchronous), SpringMVC, SpringRESTService and Servlet (2.5/3.x) and Filter (2.5/3.x)
    • MSCP applications: Http components and timed-task components
  5. Other component list:
    • Class library: the list of jars employed by an application instance
    • JEE applications: Filter and Listener
    • Log: Slf4j, Log4j, LogBack and Java Logging

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