Metric name Illustration Unit Example value
cpu_p CPU use rate of JVM process % 0.18%
cpu_s CPU use rate collected by JVM
is different from the os.cpu.load collected by the top command
% 1.91%
thread_live Live thread count Piece 28 pieces
thread_live Daemon thread count Piece 27 pieces
thread_peak Peak thread count Piece 30 pieces
thread_started Started thread count Piece 84 pieces
class_load Loaded class count Piece 6423 pieces
class_unload Unloaded class count Piece 0 piece
class_total Total class count Piece 6423 pieces
mgc_count MinorGC count Time 36 times
mgc_time MinorGC time ms 492 ms
fgc_count FullGC count Time 1 time
fgc_time FullGC time ms 20 ms
Storage management metric_use
Example: heap_use
Used capacity Byte 47959064 bytes
Storage management metric_init
Example: heap_init
Initial capacity Byte 67108864 bytes
Storage management metric_commit
Example: heap_commit
Comitted capacity Byte 106573824 bytes
Storage management metric_max
Example: heap_max
Maximum capacity Byte 259522560 bytes

Memory Management Metric

Memory management metric Illustration
heap Heap
noheap Non-heap
code Code cache
eden Neo-Eden
surv Neo-survior
old Old
perm Permanent

OpenTSDB Storage Metric

The JVM data are stored in OpenTSDB in the metric format of ‘jvm.metric name’. Metric names include the ones in the Custom metrics.

Value of instid in tags shall be http(s)://ip:port. pgid represents AppBase path---AppHome path, e.g. intsid: and pgid:/app/tomcat7---/app/tomcat7

Tips: Values of all tags are required to be escaped into the valid characters of opensdb. For instance, ':’ shall be escaped into ' \u003a '

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