Application Cluster

Metric name Illustration Unit Example value
tavg Average response time ms 8 ms
tmax Longest response time ms 8 ms
tmin Shortest response time ms 8 ms
tsum Total response time ms 8 ms
err Error count, over 400 response Piece 1 piece
warn Warning count Piece 1 piece
RC+HTTP response state code
Example: RC200
Frequency of response count time 1 time
count Access count, total access time 12 times

Common return codes for HTTP states include

  • 200 - The server returnss to the webpage successfully
  • 404 - Requested webpage does not exist
  • 503 - Service not available

HTTP Response State Codes

Return code for HTTP state Illustration
1xx (provisional response) Provisional response that requires the requester to continue operations.
100 (continue) The requester shall continue to request. The server has received the first part of request and is waiting for the rest of the request when returning this code.
101 (switch protocol) The requester has requsted the server to swithc protocol and the server has confirmed the request and prepares to switch protocol.
2xx (succeed) The state code of the request has been successfully handled.
200 (succeed) The server has successfully handled the request, which generally means that the server has provided the requested webpage.
201 (created) Successful request and the server has created new resources.
202 (received) The server has received the request but has not handled yet.
203 (unauthorized information) The server has successfully handled the request but the returned information might come from another source.
204 (no content) The server has successfully handled the request but returned no content.
205 (reset content) The server has successfully handled the request but returned no content. The client is required to reset the list.
200 (partial content) The server has successfully handled part of the GET request.
3xx (redirect) Further operation is required to complete the request. Mostly, state codes are used for redirection.
300 (multiple options) The server can perform multiple operations against the request. The server can choose one operation based on the selection of the requester, or provide the requester with the operation list.
301 (moved permanently) Requested page has been moved to a new location permanently. The server shall automatically redirect the requester to the new location when returning this response (response to GET or HEAD request).
302 (moved provisionally) The server responds to the request from webpages at different locations but the requester should continue to send upcoming requests from the original location.
303 (View other locations) The server will return this code when the requester uses the same GET request for different locations to retrieve responses.
304 (No change) The requested webpage has not been changed sice last request. The server shall not return webpage content when returning this response.
305 (Use proxy) Webpage that can only be accessed by the requester with a proxy. The requester shall use a proxy if the server returns this response code.
302 (provisionally redirect) The server responds to the request from webpages at different locations but the requester should continue to send upcoming requests from the original location.
4xx (request error) There might be wrong request that impairs the handling of the server.
400 (wrong request) The server does not understand the syntax of the server.
401 (unauthorized) The request requires authentification. The server might return this response for webpage that needs to be logged into.
403 (forbidden) The server rejects the request.
404 (not found) The server cannot find the webpage requested.
405 (forbidden method) The method specified in the request is forbidden.
406 (not accept) The server cannot respond to the webpage requested with the content property of the request.
407 (needs the authorization to use a proxy) This response code is similar to 401 (unauthorized) but requires the requester to authorize to use a proxy.
408 (request timeout) There is timeout when the server waits for the request.
409 (conflict) There is a conflict when the server completes the request. The server must return information related to the conflict when responding.
410 (Deleted) The server shall return this code if the requested resource has been permanently deleted.
411 (need effective length) The server does not accept the request without the header field that speficies the length of effective content.
412 (not meet the precondition) The server does not meet one of the preconditions set in the request by the requester.
413 (oversized request entity) The server cannot handle the request because the request is oversized and goes beyong the handling capacity of the server.
414 (overlong URI requested) The URI (mostly URL) requested is too long to be handled by the server.
415 (unsupported media type) The format of the request is not supported by the webpage.
416 (The requested scope does not meet the requirementl) The server shall return this state code if the webpage cannot provide the requested scope.
417 (not meet the expected value) The server does not meet the expected value of the header field in a request.
5xx (server error) Internal error occurs to the server when the server tries to hanlde the request. Such error might occur due to the server itself instead of the request.
500 (server internal error) The server cannot hanlde the request due to error.
501 (not implemented yet) The server has no function to handle the request. The server might return this code when the request method is unidentifiable.
502 (wrong gateway) The server as the gateway or proxy receives invalid response from the upstream server.
503 (unavailable service) The server is currently unavailable (due to overload or downtime maintenance), which is mostly temporary state.
504 (gateway timeout) The server as the gateway or proxy does not timely receive request from the upstream server.
505 (HTTP version is not supported) The server does not support the HTTP version used in the request.

OpenTSDB Storage Metric

The application server data are stored in OpenTSDB in the metric format of ‘serverResp.metric name’, wherein for metrics whose names are prefixed with RC*, the metric format shall be serverResp.RC. Query tags to add ptag. The value shall be the name of specific metric (such as RC400).

Value of instid in tags shall be http(s)://ip:port. pgid represents AppBase path---AppHome path, e.g. intsid: and pgid:/app/tomcat7---/app/tomcat7

Tips: Values of all tags are required to be escaped into the valid characters of opensdb. For instance, ':’ should be escaped into ' \u003a '

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