Monitor Agent Installation

Environment Requirements

  • 64bit OS, Windows/CentOS is recommended;
  • 64bit JDK 1.7+;

Installation and Configuration

Unzip the installation package. The uavhm directory shall be automatically generated. Grant the script the execution permission.

chmod +x uavagent/bin/*

Modify the default group configuration by changing JAppGroup=UNKNOWN of bin/ (start.bat in Windows) into the custom group name.

Modify the MOF access configuration in bin/

Modify the config/ file to change the key configuration below.

resource.messageproducer.messagingnameserver=RocketMQ Nameserver address. Separate multiple addresses with ';' feature.hbclientagent.hbservers=Heartbeat Server address. Separate multiple addresses with ‘,'

Configure the Upgrade Module for feature upgrade

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