MOF Access

Monitor the MSCP programs and the running conditions of applications in JEE containers after installing MOF. Supported JEE containers include Tomcat 6.0.37+, Jetty 8+ and springboot1.5+.


Unzip the installation package under the {MOFLocation} path. The uavmof file shall be automatically generated.

1. Modify Netcard Configuration

Modify the configuration items below in {MOFLocation}/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/

NetCardName=netcard name

  • The host would have multiple IPs if there are several netcards or virtual netcards. The IP would be specified based on the name of the netcard during MOF access. Check the correspondence between the netcard name and the IP with the ifconfig command.
2. Add the javaagent Command into the JAV Startup Parameters:
-javaagent: {MOFLocation}/uavmof/com.creditease.uav.agent/com.creditease.uav.monitorframework.agent-1.0-agent.jar"
3. Set the MOF Root Directory

Set the MOF root directory if the location of com.creditease.uav.monitorframework.agent-1.0-agent.jar is changed.

Below are approaches to set the MOF root directory. Select one of them:

  1. Directly add the MOF root directory after the javaagent command.
    -javaagent: {MOFLocation}/uavmof/com.creditease.uav.agent/com.creditease.uav.monitorframework.agent-1.0-agent.jar={MOFLocation}/uavmof/"
  2. Set the environment variant UAV_MOF_ROOT
    export UAV_MOF_ROOT="{MOFLocation}/uavmof"
  3. Set the JVM -D parametercom.creditease.uav.uavmof.root
  4. Create a file named as uavmof.location under the user directory with the content of the first row being "{MOFLocation}/uavmof”.
4. Start JEE Containers

Start JEE containers and check the logs. If the information below is displayed in logs and no exception is reported during the startup, then MOF is successfully installed (Below is the log generated by the Tomcat catalina.out file).

<------------MOF Agent------------->
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install MonitorFramework Jars Start...
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.monitorframework.dproxy-1.0-webservice.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.uautils-1.20.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.fastjson-1.2.6.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.monitorframework.dproxy-1.0-dproxy.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.monitorframework.apm-1.0.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.monitorframework-1.0.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.helper-1.0.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.annoscan-1.0.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav/com.creditease.uav.logging-1.0.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav.extlib/8/javassist.jar]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install to class loader with jar [file:/app/uav/uavmof/com.creditease.uav.tomcat/common/]
MOF.Interceptor[tomcat] Install MonitorFramework Jars End.


Delete the javaagent information added during installation and restart JEE containers.

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