Health Manager Installation

Health Manager (HM) is based on the Micro-Service Computing Platform (MSCP). An MSCP program is composed of several features / resources (a feature is a module with specific functionality). An independent Health Manager consists several basic features / resources and at least one functional feature

Micro-servers of HM include heartbeat data processing server, monitoring data processing server, profile data processing server, log data processing server, runtime notification server, notification center, invocation chain data processing server, thread analysis server and upgrade server. Servers above can be deployed independently or in combination. Enable or disable a server by modifying the configuration of feature.enable in feature under configuration file

Installation and Configuration

Unzip the installation package. The uavhm folder shall be automatically generated. The script shall be granted with the execute permission.

chmod +x uavhm/bin/*

Modify the MOF access configuration in bin/


HM is composed of multiple features. Different combinations of such features realize different functionality. Flexible architecture makes deployment easier.

  • AllInOne deployment integrates all features and provides all services with one process.
  • Distributed deployment deploys features into different processes based on varied functionality. Each process provides one specific service or more.

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